Saturday, May 2, 2009

Out of Captivity

Part of the reason we are able to store food is because we don't have to stand in line to buy a roll of toilet paper or a bag of potatoes. We have so many freedoms that we take for granted or don't even think of as freedom. I just finished reading a wonderful book called Out of Captivity: Surviving 1,967 Days in the Colombian Jungle, by Marc Gonsalves, Tom Howes, Keith Stansell, and Gary Brozek. The authors; Gonsalves, Howes, and Stansell; tell their story of surviving a plain crash only to be taken captive by the FARC in Colombia and held for five and a half years. They were deprived of their most basic freedoms and it really made me think about how blessed I am to be free. I realize this book doesn't really have anything to do with food storage, however, if we don't realize what we have we put ourselves at risk of losing it. Thus I begin my "If I was the King of the World This Would be Mandatory Reading" book list.

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