Monday, May 4, 2009

Whole Grain Pancakes

This is a pancake recipe that my dad came up with and I have changed a little to utilize my food storage. The batter also works great for waffles. I hope you enjoy them.

1 C Whole wheat flour (Fresh ground is the best. If you buy it in the grocery store it tends to be heavier.)
1 C Rolled oats
1/4 C Powdered milk
1/4 C Potato pearls (From the LDS dry pack cannery. I would assume that the potato flakes would work as well, but I have never tried them.)
1/4 C Cornmeal (This is optional. Sometimes I'm not in the mood for the crunch. Also, I grind my own cornmeal from popcorn with my mill on the coarsest setting.)
1/4 tsp Salt
1 T Baking powder
2 Eggs
2 tsp Lemon juice
2 C Water

Mix all ingredients in a blender or with an immersion blender. The batter is quite runny but it thickens up as it sits. Spray a pan (I use my cast iron) with non-stick spray and cook over medium-low to medium heat.

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